Consultations that affect living and working in Fitzrovia – have your say
Great Titchfield Street/Foley Street and Rathbone Place/Rathbone Street traffic consultation Note:...
Fitzwest Forum AGM
Thank you to everyone who attended our very successful AGM last Wednesday 26th June at the...
AGM reminder and CIL-funded planters revamped
AGM - Wednesday 24th June 2024 at 6pm All members are invited to attend The Fitzwest...
Great Titchfield Street/Foley Sreet & Rathbone Place/Rathbone Street Traffic consultation
Consultation closes on August 13th 2024
Note: Consultation closes on August 13th 2024
Residents and businesses in Fitzrovia West are invited to comment on proposed changes to traffic flows at the junction of Great Titchfield Street and Foley Street, and at Rathbone Place and Rathbone Street. Further details are available and comments can be submitted online at:
We support the council’s plans to bring in motor vehicle restrictions along part of Great Titchfield Street. The planned changes on Oxford Street would otherwise lead to a lot of extra cars, vans and lorries using Great Titchfield Street as a direct route and inevitably increase all kinds of traffic. You can have your say and read more about it here:
The public consultation closes on August 13th 2024.
After Dark Survey
Westminster Council have produced an online questionnaire that seeks to gather additional views and insights from residents on their evening and night-time experiences below:
The closing date for the online questionnaire is 15th September 2024.
In addition to the questionnaire residents can send any views, comments, data of evidence they wish to share with Westminster Council to aid the development of the Westminster After Dark Strategy via email to
Email Westminster After Dark by the 15th September 2024.
Marylebone to West-End Cycleway Route Alignment consultation
Westminster Council have launched their Marylebone to West-End Cycleway Route Alignment consultation, and it closes on 30th September 2024.
Visit the consultation webpage providing information about the proposed scheme and includes an online survey form for you to leave your comments.
Alternatively, you can email any questions or comments to the mailbox below:
Consultation – Chance to have your say
The Fitzrovia Partnership is co-designing a sustainability strategy and action plan for the area and has been engaging the community on its environmental, social and economic priorities to make Fitzrovia a better place to live, work and visit for all.
There was an exhibition and consultation about this at the AGM and residents and businesses gave their opinions. Join The Fitzrovia Partnership for its final sustainability strategy co-creation session on 10th July at 12.30.
This session will include a wrap-up of insights gained during the recent sustainability drop-in sessions and survey, including feedback from local residents and businesses on how they would like to see better social and environmental value delivered in the area. The session will also provide an opportunity to provide final feedback on our Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan.
To attend online, register here:
Do you live or work in Fitzrovia West?
Do you live or work in Fitzrovia West (west of Cleveland Street and Charlotte Street) and care about safeguarding our unique environment?

Following a referendum on 2nd September 2021, where all residents and businesses had the opportunity to vote, a majority voted YES which means the plan is formally adopted into planning law.
If you live or work within the red line, or you are part of an organisation that works within the area, you are welcome to join the Forum. Membership is free and will qualify you to be involved with helping support the plan and to be involved with decisions which will have a positive effect on the FitzWest area.
If you would like to join the forum, just fill in the application form here.
Greening plans - update

Thanks to everyone who has made suggestions and comments on the location of planting and greening as a means to improve the streetscape and to deter rubbish dumping. There are plenty of locations – we had 15 on the long list – so now we have a great resource to refer to and also to share with other organisations as we work on greening the area. Where we are at the moment:
We are planning to apply for funding from the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) which is a levy that local authorities can choose to charge on new developments in their area. The money is used to support development by funding infrastructure that the council, local community and neighbourhoods want.
We have many suitable suggestions for locations, all over the FitzWest area. It is suggested the greening will have more impact – both visually and practically as a dumping deterrent if the greening areas are clustered together.
We will keep all suggestions for a long term greening plan, but in the short term, for this initial CIL project we suggest the following which has the benefit of being relatively close together and therefore visible:
1. Langham Street/Gosfield St – 2 locations/ 4 or 5 planters A real and visible hot spot with lots of commercial and residential dumping.
2 & 3 Hanson Street /Foley Street – 2 locations /2 planters Two planters on Hanson Street/Foley Street corners. One of the corners by the bin is very prone to dumping, and there is plenty of space.
4 & 5 Candover Street – 4 locations/ 4 planters Four planters, one on each corner with Riding House Street and Foley Street. Prone to persistent dumping, would link to and echo existing planting outside local businesses on Foley Street.
These locations would create a real impact and are close enough together to be a noticeable improvement to the greening in the area and will be easy to monitor for rubbish dumping. Let us know your thoughts – by email or by commenting on this post
Local business involvement We also plan to approach local businesses to see if they would like to be part of the application – we can apply for additional planters for businesses to display and care for on their forecourts (as some do already). If you are a local business with a forecourt or pavement space that is yours and would like to register an interest in acquiring planters then please get in touch at