

AGM - Thursday 26th June 2024 6pm Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, 25 Howland St, W1T 4JG

Agenda available here


Minutes – 2019

5th December 2019 Minutes Executive Committee

24th October 2019 Minutes Executive Committee

23rd July 2019 Minutes Executive Committee

12th June 2019 Minutes Executive Committee

13th May 2019 Minutes AGM

We held our AGM on Monday 13th May at 6pm at the Wellcome Centre on Howland Street. The AGM was preceded by an exhibition about the latest developments in the draft Neighbourhood Plan. As well as re-electing our Executive (with one addition) and presenting our accounts, the meeting heard comments and ideas from members which can be read in the minutes. There were also presentations on the following topics which you can read here:

1st May 2019 Minutes Executive Committee

10th April 2019 Minutes Executive Committee

7th March 2019 Minutes Executive Committee

4th February 2019 Minutes Executive Committee

3rd January 2019 Minutes Executive Committee

Minutes – 2018

3rd December 2018 Minutes Executive Committee

24th September 2018 Minutes Executive Committee

18th October 2018 Minutes Executive Committee

25th June 2018 Minutes AGM

As well as approving our Constitution, re-electing our Executive (with one addition) and presenting our accounts, the meeting held detailed discussions on three vital local issues:

18th April 2018 Minutes Executive Committee

21st February 2018 Minutes Executive Committee

22nd January 2018 Executive Committee Minutes

Minutes – 2017

Minutes – 2016

Minutes – 2015

Minutes – 2014

10th December 2014 Minutes Executive Committee

5th November 2014 Minutes Executive Committee

6th October 2014 Minutes Executive Committee

29th July 2014 Minutes Executive Committee

14th April 2014 Minutes Inaugural Meeting

The diversity of people and activities in this area is in danger of irrevocable change. We have seen recent planning applications that take no account of residents or local business. Even where locals and applicants have met and agreed good solutions, the planning officers seem reluctant to include them in their decision.  This is because they are tied by policy.  The only way to change this is to make binding planning policy of our own for FitzWest.  On 14th April the new Forum met.  The Shadow executive was joined by over 65 members of the community.