Part of the role of the new forum will be to help Westminster City Council direct developer contributions into local improvements. With the advent of Crossrail, and the higher pedestrian figures we can expect, we want to ensure that our streets are pedestrian friendly and that traffic is calmed, to make our area safe and attractive.
The pressure for development means that many residential developments are going up. In some cases the council agrees a contribution to affordable housing, however that money is often not spent in our area, meaning that it becomes less and less easy for ordinary people to live here. In Westminster we notice a polarisation of the rich and the poor, that is not healthy for community cohesion.
Here is a run down of some of the recent contributions:
Derwent Valley Central Limited were granted permission to demolish three existing buildings on the site and replace with them one unified development that provides A1 or A3 use at basement/ground floor and seven floors of Office space.
Affordable housing payment: £2,050,000
Mayoral CIL/Crossrail SPG: £221,624
Public realm contribution: £167,882
Neman Street Ltd were granted permission to erect rear extensions at first to fourth levels and a fifth floor roof extension in connection with the use of the property as a hotel, including ancillary ground floor restaurant, creation of a terrace at fifth floor level and green roof areas at fourth and main roof level.
Affordable housing payment: £1.2m
S.106 contributions:
-Financial contribution towards Crossrail
-Financial contribution of £57,419 towards public realm improvements in the vicinity of the site.
-S.106 monitoring contribution