Update July 2015

In view of the number of residents who have complained about the way rubbish is collected, tipping and litter bugs in the area Wendy Shillam and Chris Shaw have been tasked by the Executive Committee with trying to help improve the situation.  There will be a meeting with the Portfolio Holder on 12th August.  If you have any further comments or thoughts as to how we can improve the situation do leave them here.


April 2015

We have received a number of representations from Forum members regarding the parlous state of rubbish collections, tipping and street cleaning in FitzWest.  This email, is not untypical.

Letter to Councillors and Officers at Westminster City Council

Please find attached yet more examples of tipping / dumping at the black bin drop and recycling bins on Langham Street (taken this week).  This is no longer just a nuisance (including having to constantly contact you to have the area cleaned / signage put up / monitor / bins emptied etc), but is now a public disgrace.  The time has come that affirmative action is taken by  the Council to permanently resolve this consistent problem on which we have been writing to you for over three years.  It has also been noted recently that when the bins are full, the lids are left open and there is no longer signage advising of prosecution for dumping!

I look forward to hearing how the Council now intends to have this issue resolved once and for all.

Chris Shaw FitzWest Forum Member


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