Pre-Submission Consultation (Regulation 14) (NOW CLOSED)
We have carried out a full Regulation 14 consultation and we have produced a revised version of the Neighbourhood Plan.
We would welcome any further comments or feedback, please contact us.
The relevant documents can be accessed here:
And supporting documents:
The 2019 Survey of Residents and Businesses – RESULTS
All residents and businesses in the FitzWest area were given the opportunity to fill out a survey about their thoughts and contributions to the Draft Neighbourhood Plan. This was available online and also via hard copies at the exhibition on 13th May 2019.
There were 26 replies in total.
Do you support the preservation of mixed use in the area – residential, small and large businesses, arts venues and community facilities?
Yes: 24
No: 0
Don’t know: 0
No reply: 2
Are there any particular aspects of preservation of mixed use in the plan that that you support or object to?
- I feel it would be crucial to maintain a significant residential proportion and to grow a community where residents live happily & harmoniously
- I support the provision of social housing mixed developments
- Impact on residents is key. Music venues and pubs are serious sources of noise pollution. Mixed use policy is likely to impact if there is no control over rents. Air B&B and student residents need to be controlled.
- Arts venues
- I object to freeholders using this as a way to force the council to allow them to build in areas very close to properties i.e. a very small courtyard behind 88-94 Great Titchfield Street. Two applications have been turned down. They are now appealing!
- Not big business it supresses small ones.
- No to large businesses. No to developers building higher and extending buildings and blocking light to local residential properties. The streets also lack sunlight due to higher buildings.
- Affordable housing priority for many.
- Different sizes of units. Larger residential units and a variety of small business units, plus cultural and educational uses.
- I think the use of residential property as Airbnb should be prohibited as it means fewer residential units.
- We wish to see the provision of more residential and both large and small business space.
- important to maintain and expand the mix of housing tenures and sizes, and mix of small businesses, shops and cafes/restaurants.
- I like the mix of food & cafe and retail.
Do you support the increase in the amount of affordable housing?
Yes: 20
No: 1
Don’t know: 2
No reply: 3
Are there any particular aspects of affordable housing in the plan that that you support or object to?
- Current 20% is good
- Developers should not be allowed to buy their way out of including social housing in new developments
- I’m not sure if this is the correct place to register this but hopefully if not, it will be recorded elsewhere – when considering the height of buildings nearby when considering additional storeys, for Cleveland St and other streets that are on the border could the other side of the street i.e. Camden be taken into account. This is particularly relevant at the north end of Cleveland St (conservation area) where a new block is being built which I believe will be much higher than the buildings to its north or the Camden side or indeed Holdcroft Court.
- I must be (live) in the area.
- Pt 5.23: principle residence. In the St Ives case, a requirement to be registered with a GP or to have a child registered at school is all that is required. There is no reference to employment. I know many people studying, at age 30+ who are full time unemployed, post doc fellows etc. at UCL.
- Protect residents’ rights. I object to freeholders using this as a way to force the council to allow them to build in areas very close to properties i.e. a very small courtyard behind 88-94 Great Titchfield Street. Two applications have been turned down. They are now appealing!
- Should be provided in Fitzrovia/Westminster
- The cost of living in the area for people in affordable housing.
- Family housing with attached green space and play space. Sheltered housing for the elderly and differently abled.
- I think that Right to Buy legislation needs to be repealed before the affordable housing is increased. Once the legislation is repealed, I am in favour of an increase in affordable housing.
- We believe the provision of affordable housing should be flexibly achieved so that, for example, a limited number of affordable units in a smaller property is not achievable.
- support for high quality, well designed, sustainable housing of a mix of sizes and with access to outdoor and open space.
- The more affordable housing the richer the environment.
Do you support the protection and increase of green and open space?
Yes: 24
No: 0
Don’t know: 0
No reply: 2
Are there any particular aspects of green/open space in the plan that that you support or object to?
- Definitely, we need green spaces, small parks and areas where kids can play, residents aggregate and meet and to strengthen the village character if we can
- I really like the suggested closure and greening of streets such as Foley Street. Looks a like a no brainer to me!
- But it should be done with safety in mind.
- More vegetation is a must.
- Market Place looks an ideal area for a green space. As does east of Riding House Street and Great Titchfield Street/Foley Street. I haven’t examined the re-routing of traffic, or effect on parking spaces for residents.
- The development of market place.
- More traditional design, if possible so new designs don’t have to be replaced every ten years.
- Take cars out – put planting in.
- Most of the space presently devoted to parking needs to be transformed into green space as we are severely lacking in green space.
- The amount of green and open space should be increased. Streetscape improvements should be introduced that:
(i) increase the width of pavements and make space for planting;
(ii) reduce what were originally two lane streets that are now one-way to single lanes;
(iii) close streets where tertiary in nature in order to create open space and greenery and provide play space for children and community space for residents and businesses.
- Important to create more open space through better street management and closure of sections of streets to create play and sitting areas with reduced pollution.
- We are desperate for any Green space, the more the better.
Do you support the principle of landscaping some of the streets and reducing or removing traffic?
Yes: 24
No: 0
Don’t know: 0
No reply: 2
Are there any particular aspects of landscaping and traffic reduction in the plan that that you support or object to?
- As long as we still have easy access to public transport. BUT Important to make sure buses don’t start invading our streets if Oxford St is pedestrianised
- I support the reduction of through traffic in our area. There are too many large lorries/trucks/vans driving at high speed down my street which is very narrow (Hanson Street)
- But access must be preserved for services to residents.
- Residents parking and access – proper maintenance of planted areas. They could become rubbish areas.
- No point if rubbish everywhere.
- Need to monitor traffic flow and traffic jams in Fitzrovia.
- Residents who are elderly depend on being able to park a car.
- Landscaping yes. I have a business that relies on transport.
- Trees in Great Titchfield Street all parts of GTS.
- Very strongly support.
- There is insufficient traffic reduction and there are too many parked cars where there should be green space. Most of the parked cars need to be removed and replaced with planting.
- Any scheme (e.g. as set out in our Green Strategy) which creates improved outdoor environments for all age groups, for residents as well as those working in the area and visitors.
- Reduce traffic speeds, raised curb + street to slow traffic, more trees on street.
Do you support protecting and increasing provision for small businesses?
Yes: 23
No: 0
Don’t know: 1
No reply: 2
Are there any particular aspects of protecting and increasing provision for small businesses in the plan that that you support or object to?
- 100%. I feel completely disheartened to see many of the small businesses close down and being replaced by sterile character-less chains. We need to work with council to keep commercial rents reasonable to encourage innovation, entrepreneurship and grow small businesses
- I support less food outlets.
- I support the proposal (5) to encourage new small businesses and retail shops. It is this type of business that gives Fitzrovia its special character.
- But they need to respect other people in the area, especially residents.
- Not to change residential into business. An increase in small business means more premises are required – many houses are residents only – I wouldn’t want this to change.
- There should be more variety in small businesses – any clusters almost always in hairdressers/barbers or cafes.
- Newman Street is a narrow street with heavy south-north traffic. Parallel streets Wells Street, Berners Street and Gt Titchfield Street are much wider and are very quiet streets with little north-south traffic (particularly Berners Street.)
- No night clubs, or really late-night drinking.
- Business rents/rates not sustainable.
- Bin collections.
- This should be enshrined in planning applications and part of land deals with WCC.
- Empty shops and office should be brought into use for pop up shops and start-up businesses.
- We believe small business space is an essential part of Fitzrovia and should be increased. We also believe larger offices should also be provided.
- Important to protect existing accommodation for small businesses and to ensure that more is provided – tendency towards large floorplates designed to accommodate large multi-nationals.
Do you support improving environmental standards and air quality?
Yes: 24
No: 0
Don’t know: 0
No reply: 2
Are there any particular aspects of improving environmental standards and air quality in the plan that that you support or object to?
- I’m all for cleaner air
- I am extremely concerned about air pollution in Fitzrovia and I support para 11 To be an exemplar in sustainable city living by applying the highest environmental standards, particularly on energy conservation and reducing the emission of greenhouse gases and particulates.
- This is essential. We live in a [porous soup]
- Tell the world not to idle! TURN OFF Tell cabbies – tell delivery cans/companies.
- New development should NOT provide car parking. Car parking on the streets should be more residential generally.
- Building companies using plants. Environmentally friendly materials.
- I’d put this top of the list. Its about air conditioning, gas central heating as well as vehicle emissions.
- There needs to be more restriction of through traffic. Air conditioning units should be banned as the noise and hot air negatively impact on neighbours. Outside heaters attached to buildings should be prohibited as they encourage loud noise outside bars etc.at night and increase the heat load in the neighbourhood in summer.
- Fitzrovia has an appalling air quality and drastic and urgent action should be applied to reduce vehicle access; ban all diesel vehicles and provide increased electric charge points.
- Improve traffic management and bus routes, create distribution hubs for goods and other deliveries using electric vehicles. Create more electric charge points
- This is really important.
Do you support the improvement of mobility and transport with an emphasis on reducing through traffic while allowing businesses and residents to gain access?
Yes: 22
No: 0
Don’t know: 2
No reply: 2
Are there any particular aspects of improving mobility and transport in the plan that that you support or object to?
- In line with answer above
- I think there should be some provision (perhaps dial a ride) for older residents to get to the shops and or transport hubs – I am aware some older residents find it difficult to get to the shops.
- Also access for services to residents needs to be protected.
- Should ban all non-electric vehicles except for disabled/elderly.
- Lots of electric charging points for electric vehicles. We need an electric shuttle bus for elderly residents or you will have a lot of electric scooters.
- Where will the traffic go?
- Traffic calming please. I don’t mind walking a bit and getting there a minute of two more slowly.
- Buses should be restricted to Red Routes such as Oxford Street, Portland Place, Langham Place and Tottenham Court Road and the Marylebone Road. Buses should not be permitted in smaller streets. The smaller streets should be filtered and used for access for residents and businesses in the area. Through traffic of lorries, private cars, uber drivers and taxis should be disabled. It should be as safe to walk or cycle through FitzWest as it presently is to drive a car through the area. Children should be able to cycle safely to school in the area.
- Disabled access should be provided to all local underground stations.
- Review and rationalise traffic flows throughout the area and arising from Oxford Street project.
Do you support the plan to rejuvenate and green Market Place? (South end of Great Titchfield Street)
Yes: 23
No: 0
Don’t know: 1
No reply: 2
Are there any particular aspects of rejuvenating and greening Market Place that that you support or object to?
- I love the idea.
- It seems to me that trees are not adequately protected and cared for in inner city streets. They are sometimes not watered enough when they are trying to establish themselves, and it only takes one van driver to knock a tree over as frequently seems to happen behind the Holiday Inn I note one tree has been replaced again but the other has not.
- There is a very obvious route for traffic which should work.
- And I would support greening Langham/Foley Streets
- Needed for the wellbeing of all.
- I think it could be more radical. I don’t like the idea of keeping vehicle separation.
- No ‘Early wins’ to provide public open space and spaces for residents, visitors and businesses alike are essential in providing a neighbourhood devoid of open space.
- More pedestrianisation and less road.
Do you support the Neighbourhood Plan?
Yes: 23
No: 1
Don’t know: 1
No reply: 1
The Pavement Project
We are consulting on a proposal for greening the East side of Great Titchfield St between Clipstone St and Carburton St.
BEFORE | after? | |
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To view the consultation click here.