Press Release:
We are pleased to announce that a draft of the Fitzrovia West Neighbourhood Plan has been published today. Deadline for comments 30 April 2017
Link to draft plan page
Wendy Shillam, Chair of the Executive Committee says,
‘We have worked very hard to get together a coherent document, that addresses the issues discussed in our consultation meetings and the exhibition we held last year. We have tried to reflect diverse and sometimes contradictory views, balancing different visions where necessary. Now it is time for the community, our residents, those who visit, run businesses and work in the area to tell us whether we have the correct balance.
At the back of our minds, as we wrote policies was the prospect of increased access to our area from Crossrail 1 and 2 and HS2, all of which will bring further pressure of development to our area. This wealth of excellent public transport can be seen as a blessing, but also a challenge.
We’d like to thank everyone who has contributed to this document so far. It is the work of more than one person, so please point out any inconsistencies that you find. It is not yet ready for formal presentation to Westminster City Council. Over the next few weeks we wish to hold informal discussions with the Forum, the Council, our Ward Members, officers and Portfolio Holders. We also wish to update GLA and other stakeholders who may wish to make comment. In addition we are now working with the other four West End Neighborhoods in order to rationalise some policies, where we have very similar objectives.’
Nothing in the plan is cast in stone. We’d like people to go to the comment page on the website that will allow your views to be made public. Alternatively contact us directly at