Coronovirus and Fitzrovia

29 March, 2020 | Coronovirus

The Covid-19 virus is having a significant impact on the residents and businesses of Fitzrovia. We hope you are all coping in these strange new times we now live in.

Westminster Council provides some useful information here.

Also the New West End Company has information for businesses in the area.

There are also opportunities to volunteer via Westminster Council or to ask for help if you are self-isolating.

The NHS has asked for volunteers and although they have had an overwhelming response, it might be you can offer your help to the NHS.

There is also this local group that is matching volunteers and people in need on a street by street basis:   Fitzrovia and Marylebone Covid 19 Mutual Aid

The FitzWest Forum Executive will still be meeting virtually as we continue to work towards creating the Neighbourhood Plan for the FitzWest area.