Westminster Connects and How Businesses Can Help

3 April, 2020 | Coronovirus

Westminster Connects

We would like to remind you of the Westminster Connects initiative. No one in Westminster needs to feel alone or lacking in food or support. Westminster Connects has been created to connect volunteers with those in need of help during the coronavirus outbreak. Residents and organisations can also contact the Westminster Connects team by emailing westminsterconnects@westminster.gov.uk or via the City Council’s website.
A new dedicated phone number is available for individuals who may need help or for people who know of anyone in need of help as a result of COVID-19: 020 7641 1222, available from 8am to 10pm seven days a week.

How Businesses Can Help

New West End Company is coordinating the efforts of West End businesses in supporting the frontline staff providing critical services and offering vital support to those who are vulnerable, ill and self-isolating. If your business can support by donating any food, groceries or toiletries, please contact Nicola.Gibson@newwestend.com