New consultation has emerged from Transport for London regarding central London Ultra Low Emissions Zone:
They would like to hear your views on proposals to:
- Introduce ULEZ (and the residents’ sunset period) 17 months earlier in central London
- Strengthen the emissions standard to also cover Particulate Matter (PM) emissions from diesel vehicles
Please take some time to fill in the online survey and provide your views:
The online survey,,
It should only take 10 to 15 minutes. Please complete the survey before midnight on 25 June 2017.
Here is FitzWest Response
To Alex Williams
Director of City Planning
Transport for London
Dear Mr Williams,
Thank you for inviting the Fitzrovia West Neighbourhood Forum to provide views on the proposed changes to the Ultra Low Emissions Zone in central London (ULEZ)
We support the zone because we wish to rid ourselves of the polluted air we have to breathe every day in central London. We, who live and/or work here, know the niggling discomfort of ‘The London Cough’ which seems to effect all of us, which is never documented in pollution statistics. We are also aware of the needless deaths that occur from air pollution and that this level of air pollution is illegal under European Legislation. We trust that even though we may sever some ties with our European neighbours that will not mean that we relax our standards on air pollution.
Residents and businesses who own diesel vehicles:
The new proposals will have a financial impact to local residents with older diesel cars. We would be particularly concerned if central government proposals to introduce a diesel scrappage scheme do not come forward. If that were to be the case then we feel that TFL should introduce its own scrappage system for residents and small businesses within the ULEZ zone. We would support such a scheme even if it were means tested. There ought to be some low cost means of supporting residents and businesses of modest means to purchase a better vehicle for their personal use. We have a lot of elderly and disabled residents living in this area for whom a car is still important. Our small businesses are the life blood of the area.
Increasing need for private transport in central London:
In the light of bus service reductions in central London, (which we don’t support) the we must assume that resident car use will increase.
Need for Low Emissions Public Transport:
We trust that buses and taxis will also be subject to these stringent rules in central London and that TFL will lead by example, introducing zero emissions buses before long.
Emissions are not the full story:
While we support the reduction of exhaust emissions that does not contribute to any reduction in particulate matter, which we understand is caused by tire wear on uneven roads. What is being done about this? In addition we expect to see similar London wide planning legislation to reduce the use of carbon fuels like gas as a means of heating and air conditioning. The urban heat island effect is well documented as an added factor in central London, yet the ULEZ policies will do nothing to alleviate these problems. We understand that emissions from gas boilers constitutes about 35% of the NO2 in central London.
Pedestrians first:
The healthiest and lowest emission form of movement around central London is on foot, yet funding to improve pedestrian ways is very limited. Another way to improve air quality in central London is to encourage walking and cycling. We trust that wider TFL/GLA schemes are considering such improvements to complement planned reduction in polluting traffic.
Wendy Shillam
Chair FitzWest Neighbourhood Forum Executive