Have Your Say on the FitzWest Neighbourhood Plan

28 May, 2020 | Consultations

The Forum has submitted revised documentation on the FitzWest Plan and Westminster City Council has arranged a 10-week consultation period from 26 May to 4th August 2020.
We encourage all residents and businesses based in the area to read the Plan and submit their comments to the Council by the closing date.
The Plan’s main objectives are to integrate new development into the heritage of the area, create more affordable housing, support small shops and businesses, improve the environment and particularly air quality, promote greening through tree planting, green roofs and creating healthy streets by encouraging walking and cycling.
The draft Plan and supporting documentation are available on our Neighbourhood Plan page 
For full information on the consultation process click here:
After this consultation stage, an Examiner appointed by the Council will review all the evidence and recommend any further changes to the Plan. A referendum will follow for both residents on the electoral roll and business rate payers.
All Invited……….
We are planning a public meeting in July to discuss issues of greatest concern in the area. Full details to follow.