Representatives of the FitzWest Forum met with Francis Keegan from Westminster Council before Christmas to discuss the ever problematic issue of refuse collection and dumping in Fitzrovia. He is the person now dealing with refuse collection and streetscape in the FitzWest area. We shared our observations and those of FitzWest Forum members who have been in touch, as to what works and what doesn’t, and to continue to press for improvements.
We made the following points:
- There are some constant street dumping hotspots and we sent a map of ones we have identified. Please let us know if you think we have missed any. Map of dumping hotspots.
- There continue to be issues with Veolia not collecting recycling with this often being left for whole days and entire weekends.
- The Ward Councillors have been very supportive in pressing the refuse agenda and street collection arrangements have as a result improved.
- We continue to encourage both businesses and residents to use the Council’s online service to report missed collections and street dumping. Click below to do this:
- Compared to neighbouring boroughs, Westminster has many more collections with some streets daily and some twice a day. However the transient nature of the community and the lack of rubbish storage areas within some blocks of flats means that there are still problems with on-street dumping.
There’s also a fair bit of dumping outside No. 95 Gt Titchfield St, just because there’s a lamp post and this frequently blocks the pavement, even though the amount of rubbish left is normally way less than dumped by the bikes a few doors north on the other side of the road.
I agree with the comments above , Great Titchfield street section between Langham Street and New cavendish street needs to be on the map of dumping hot spots . This are seems to be missed by different collections on different days and yes there is constantly bags at the public bin and lamps posts . I reported it 9 times recently in the last few weeks when working from home , unfortunately the report it system has no feedback,or they don’t give any . Notices could be been sent to the various blocks on times for collections , The recycling bins just seemed to have vanished from Langham street which has greatly added to the problem in this section of Great Titchfield street and the surrounding areas , sorry for the moan , but I was not made aware of this forum before I have given my email address every time I attend any local meeting. Notices could be sent regarding the collections etc . Interestingly these issues don’t seem to happen as much on Marylebone high street or Hallam street! . Thank you
Corner of Langham Street and Gt Titchfield Street. If there were a bigger bin, I think the problem would be resolved.