AGM next week – 18th May – come in person or join on Zoom

10 May, 2020 | AGM, CIL, Our Neighbourhood, Oxford Street

We want to have as many people as possible so please share this with your neighbours and local businesses.

Find out about the changes to Oxford Circus traffic flow, hear about the exciting CIL funded projects,  and meet your local  police officers, part of the  Safer Neighbourhood Team. They will update us on issues of local drug dealing and anti social behaviour.

Email for the Zoom link.

Annual General Meeting on Thursday 18th May at 6pm at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, 25 Howland Street, W1T 4JG which will also feature:

We look forward to welcoming you and for you to have a chance to meet your neighbours over a glass of wine.


1. Welcome, Introductions and Apologies
2. Minutes of the last meeting. Available on Fitzwest website:
3. Election and re-election of Executive members. Any member can stand for election. Please let us know via email if would like to stand.  Candidates should be prepared to say briefly why they should be elected. If you can’t attend please send a few lines about who you are and why you should be elected.
4. Amending the constitution. Proposal: to amend the constitution so as to reduce the AGM quorum from 20 to 10 and the Executive quorum from 6 to 5. These changes would require a 75% majority of those voting. 10% of members can always call a general meeting to reverse such a decision.
5. Presentation of accounts
6. Proposed changes to traffic flow at Oxford Circus – Oxford Street Team, Westminster Council
7. Dealing with anti-social behaviour and drug dealing in FitzWest – Safer Neighbourhood Team
8. Updates on current CIL projects
9. Any other business