We are delighted to announce that following the referendum on Thursday 2nd September a majority of residents and businesses in the area have voted YES to the question:
“Do you want Westminster City Council to use the Neighbourhood Plan for Fitzrovia West to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?”
This means the Fitzrovia West Neighbourhood Plan has been adopted.
Thanks to everyone who has supported the Plan. It has been over six years in the making and many residents and businesses have contributed ideas and support. So now the FitzWest Forum will continue to make sure the Plan is followed and to help Fitzrovia West thrive as an area where people want to live and work. If you would like to be involved in making this happen and to have influence and have your opinions heard then please get in touch (info@fitzwest.org) and join the Executive of the FitzWest Forum. We would love to welcome you!
Full details of results from Westminster Council here: Referendum Results
Key results:
Residential Referendum:
YES: 236 (79.9%)
NO: 62 (20.8%)
Business Referendum
YES: 26 (86.67%)
NO: 4 (13.33%)