Consultations that affect living and working in Fitzrovia – have your say

Great Titchfield Street/Foley Street and Rathbone Place/Rathbone Street traffic consultation

Note: consultation closes on August 13th 2024

Residents and businesses in Fitzrovia West are invited to comment on proposed changes to traffic flows at the junction of Great Titchfield Street and Foley Street, and at Rathbone Place and Rathbone Street. Further details are available and comments can be submitted online at:

We support the council’s plans to bring in motor vehicle restrictions along part of Great Titchfield Street. The planned changes on Oxford Street would otherwise lead to a lot of extra cars, vans and lorries using Great Titchfield Street as a direct route and inevitably increase all kinds of traffic. You can have your say and read more about it here:

The public consultation closes on August 13th 2024.

After Dark Survey

Westminster Council have produced an online  questionnaire that seeks to gather additional views and insights from residents on their evening and night-time experiences below:

 After Dark Survey

The closing date for the online questionnaire is  15th September 2024.

In addition to the questionnaire residents  can send any views, comments, data of evidence they wish to share with Westminster Council to aid the development of the Westminster After Dark Strategy via email to<> by the 15th September 2024.

Marylebone to West-End Cycleway Route Alignment consultation

Westminster Council have launched their Marylebone to West-End Cycleway Route Alignment consultation, and it closes  on 30th September 2024.

Visit the consultation webpage<> providing information about the proposed scheme and includes an online survey form for you to leave your comments.

Alternatively, you can email any questions or comments to the mailbox below:

Fitzwest Forum AGM

Fitzwest Forum AGM

Thank you to everyone who attended our very successful AGM last Wednesday 26th June at the Sainsbury Wellcome Centre on Howland Street – we appreciated you choosing to spend a  gloriously hot evening with us rather than in the park! You can read the full minutes of the meeting here.
As well as all the usual business of the AGM, we had several interesting presentations. These included an update from Jordan Scammell from the Soho Poly Theatre about their development plans and how the CIL funding has been spent. You can have a look at the presentation here.

Lee Lyons from The Fitzrovia Partnership and Lucy Mitchell from the New West End Company discussed how they are dealing with issues of crime and anti-social behaviour in Fitzrovia. Councillor Patrick Lilley also shared some of the complex challenges the police are facing and how they are working to deal with it. Greening and outdoor space is always a very popular issue for our members and Mark Gazaleh told us about tree planting and plans for future greening in the area. You can look at this presentation here.

Consultation – chance to have your say

The Fitzrovia Partnership is co-designing a sustainability strategy and action plan for the area and has been engaging the community on its environmental, social and economic priorities to make Fitzrovia a better place to live, work and visit for all.
There was an exhibition and consultation about this at the AGM and residents and businesses gave their opinions. Join The Fitzrovia Partnership for its final sustainability strategy co-creation session on 10th July ay 12.30.
This session will include a wrap-up of insights gained during the recent sustainability drop-in sessions and survey, including feedback from local residents and businesses on how they would like to see better social and environmental value delivered in the area. The session will also provide an opportunity to provide final feedback on our Sustainability Strategy and Action Plan.
AGM reminder and CIL-funded planters revamped

AGM reminder and CIL-funded planters revamped

AGM – Wednesday 24th June 2024 at 6pm


All members are invited to attend  The Fitzwest Neighbourhood Forum Annual General Meeting.

There is also the opportunity to attend via Zoom. Please contact us directly on and we will send you the Zoom link.

Highlights include:

  • discussions on security in Fitzrovia including issues around crime and anti-social behaviour
  • updates on  the Soho Poly Theatre (CIL project)
  • all the usual business of the AGM
  • chance to meet and socialise with your neighbours over a glass of wine

Full agenda available here

If anyone is interested in being more involved in Fitzrovia community issues, then please let us know as we are always looking for new members of the Executive.

New Cavendish Street Planters

After the successful installation of planters on New Cavendish Street, Hanson Street, Great Titchfield Street and Gosfield Street last year, it was time for a spruce up with some summer colour. We were lucky to have our team of green-fingered volunteers ready to help and the results are stunning. Our volunteers also share out the watering of all the planters. We will need some more help over the summer to keep the planters watered so if you would like to be involved please drop us an email on or talk to one of the Executive at the AGM.


AGM – SAVE THE DATE – 26th June 2024 at 6pm

All members are invited to attend  The Fitzwest Neighbourhood Forum Annual General Meeting.

Date: Wednesday 26th June 2024

Venue: Sainsbury Wellcome Centre, 25 Howland Street London W1T 4JG

Time: 6pm

There is also the opportunity to attend via Zoom. Please contact us directly on and we will send you the Zoom link.

Full details to follow shortly, but the meeting will include:

  • discussions on security in Fitzrovia including issues around crime and anti-social behaviour
  • updates on current and future CIL projects including the Soho Poly Theatre
  • all the usual business of the AGM

If anyone is interested in being more involved in Fitzrovia community issues, then please let us know as we are always looking for new members of the Executive.

New Planters arrive in Fitzrovia

New Planters arrive in Fitzrovia

We are delighted to announce that the long talked about and frequently delayed planters have finally been installed on Hanson street, Great Titchfield Street, and Gosfield Street at the junctions with New Cavendish Street.

Great Titchfield Street Planting









These planters are funded by Neighbourhood CIL  and the Tesco Bags of Help scheme.

Rebecca Heard of Fine Line Garden Design has done a wonderful job of sourcing hardy and attractive British plants and creating a very appealing  planting design. It is designed to look great now, but also to grow and fill in as the months go by.

Lots of volunteers worked hard to get the planting done – including planting  lots of bulbs  which will come up in the spring.   

We are very conscious that maintenance of these planters is incredibly important to keep them looking as good as they do now  and we have a whole roster of volunteers who are watering , clearing rubbish that might appear and doing any other maintenance.

Children from All Souls School will be helping as well and it’s great to see all ages keen to be involved.

If you would like to help out and volunteer, then please do email us:

The various locations for the planters were chosen after a public consultation. They needed to be in places where there was space away from utilities and that  didn’t get in the way of passersby.  It was also hoped they will serve an additional purpose of discouraging on-street dumping. We are aware this may take a little while to settle in but hope that residents and businesses will help by only putting their rubbish out at the time and in the place stipulated by WCC. The times are available here.

Hanson Street Planter


Thanks again to the many people who have helped and supported this project.